English follows below
【対象】熊本県益城町の小学校・中学校 計7校
【対象】熊本県益城町の小学校・中学校 計7校(児童生徒約3,100名)
Save the Children Japan is continuing its support activities for children and their families in Kumamoto, and will start educational support toward re-opening all elementary/junior high schools in Mashiki-machi, in consultation with the Mashiki-machi Board of Education, Kumamoto.
1. Provision of supplementary food for school lunches
Targets: 3,100 children and 210 teachers of seven elementary/junior high schools in Mashiki-machi
Contents: Provision of supplementary nutritious food twice a week(in addition to the existing simple school lunch consisting of bread and milk)
2. Distribution of school uniforms and sportswear
Targets: School children in the elementary/junior high schools in Mashiki-machi who were affected by the earthquakes
3. Distribution of disaster prevention hoods and personal safety alarm(bohan buzzers)
Targets: 3,100 school children of seven elementary/junior high schools in Mashiki-machi
Since the 15th of April, the day after the first earthquake struck, Save the Children Japan has continued to provide support for children and their families in Mashiki-machi, which was heavily affected by the earthquakes.
In addition to distributing hypo-allergic baby food, baby wipes, nursing pads, deodorant sheets, soft toys and baby slings, Save the Children Japan has opened Child Friendly Spaces(CFS)at five evacuation centers in Mashiki-machi(Hiroyasu Elementary School, Hiroyasu-Nishi Elementary School, Mashiki-Chuo Elementary School, Iino Elementary School and Kumamoto Airport Hotel Eminence)in order to provide children with a safe environment where they can play and spend time. The total number of CFS users has reached 1,346 as of 1 May 2016.
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